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What is an EVA?

An Evangelion (or EVA) is a giant artificial human that has been mixed with cybernetic parts, making them

look like giant mechanical robots. They also have a range of functionalities depending on the EVA and its purpose.

Evangelions are also made from the samples of the first angel,Adam

(an exception to this is EVA unit-01, who is made from Lilith, the second angel).

Some EVAS are also said to be embedded with the souls of the pilot's mother,

as seen with unit-01 and unit-02 (Shinji and Asuka's units).

Some exceptions to this may be Rei as she doesn't have a mother, Toji because his EVA was an angel in disguise,

and Kaworu and Mari (both Kaworu and Mari pilot their own EVAs in the rebuilds)

Pilots also must have good synchronisation with their EVAs, otherwise they are not allowed to pilot them and will use the Dummy Plug System instead.

Pilots are also usually 13-15 years old, because older people cannot fit into the entry plug/cockpit.

What are some of the EVAs abilities?

-generation of an A.T Feild

-Beserk mode (only available once the soul has ovverided the pilot's control)

-resistance of low yeild nuclear blasts


access to weaponry (e.g guns,knives)

However, all units are not self sufficient and need external power to run for long periods of time.Sometimes, the units will come close to running out of power during battle if not connected to a cable.

These cables usually stay connected during battle but are also incredibly vunerable, as once detached it makes the units run on a certain amount of backup time.

Colours of the units

Unit-00=blue and white or orange and white. The unit turns blue and white after some repairs and upgrades needed after an angel attack.

Unit-01=purple and green, the most recognisable unit as it is the one advertised the most.

Unit-02=red and orange, can sometimes also be red and yellow in some media.

Unit-03=blackish grey and white

Mass produced EVAs (End of Evangelion)=white and red