Eva units Pilots Adults Important Side chars locations img

(This is just some info on important plot points and other stuff that doesn't fit into the other categories)

Rebuild of Evangelion

The 'Rebuild of Evangelion', or the 'Evangelion:New Theatrical Edition', is a series of movies that retell the

story of NGE in a more understandable and comprehensible way for 'non-fans'.

However, these movies do change the plot of evangelion drastically, such as changing some important elements and not killing off certain characters.

Personally, I quite enjoy the rebuilds as the original evangelion plot is VERY convoluted and contradicts itself.

However, I don't think you need to know the rebuild plot right now so I haven't included it.

(one of the few pieces of nge merch I have is the 3.0+1.0 DVD. I do not own a DVD player and was ID checked for it.)


An amber coloured liquid that allows an EVA pilot to mentally link with their Units.

LCL can be found in things such as the cockpit of an Evangelion, and because this liquid is oxygenated,

the pilots have no chance of drowning while piloting (though it may take getting used to).

it has also been stated that LCL smells like blood, and thats because it kinda is, as Lilith's blood is actually just LCL

.Also, the LCL plant in Terminal Dogma is just a lake of Lilith's blood.

The reason why all humans revert to LCL in End of Evangelion is also because the earth evolved from the LCL that Lilith left,

making all lifeforms technically originate from Lilith.

A.T Feilds

An Absolute Terror Feild is an energy feild that both EVA units and angels can generate.

(it has also been said that humans have A.T feilds, but I assume they aren't strong enough to generate them)

The strength of an A.T feild can also vary. For example, the strength of an angel and the synchronization rate of

a pilot and it's EVA can greatly impact the strength of the A.T Feild.

Dead Sea Scrolls

The Dead Sea Scrolls in Evangelion are based on the real life dead sea scrolls.

In Evangelion, the dead sea scrolls contain information on the black and white moons, spear of longinus, and even the order and times the Angels would attack.

Other than this, there's not much information about them. Though, they do seem to be important to the lore.

Black Moon

The black moon is the 'egg' that carried Lilith, and was created by the first ancestral race to transport Lilith to earth.

The black moon collided into earth around 4 billion years ago, this is called the First Impact.

Then, the black moon rested inside of the erath, where the Geofront now is.

White Moon

The white moon is simmilar to the black moon, however it carried Adam instead of Lilith.

Like the black moon, it crashed into earth 4 billion years ago and landed into Antartica.


Adam is the first angel,one of the two 'seeds of life', and also the genetic base of the Evangelions (apart from Unit-01).

When being used for the EVAs, the fetus of Adam was stolen by Kaji.This fetus was then fused into Gendo's hand in order to initiate the Third Impact.

However, when trying to fuse with Rei (who is also the vessel of lilith) Adam was then absorbed, causing Gendo's hand to be torn apart.

Because of how strong he is, Adam also has lots of powers such as: Life manipulation, climate manipulation, and body manipulation.


Lilith is the second Angel and is the second 'seed of life'.

However, instead of being the progenitor to all the angels like Adam, Lilith is the progenitor of all humans

(sometimes called 'lilin').

Lilith and Adam were also not supposed to land on the same planet (Earth).

Adam activated to try and fix this problem, which causes him to go dormant.

Lilith is then able to spread primordial ooze which all life stems from in the future (e.g. fish, bacteria, etc).

At some point, possibly before Second Impact, SEELE and NERV had crucified lilith to a cross in the lowest layer of NERV.

Here, the LCL in Lilith would be used as a renewable energy source for the Evangelions.

NERV had also made Lilith grow to a point just before instrumentality would be initiated,

stabbing it with Adam's spear of longinus so that it would be ready immediatley for the Third Impact.

This part isn't really important, but it's believed that in order to use Lilith for Unit-01, NERV took Lilith's legs.


'Lilin' is the term that Kaworu uses the most to refer to humans, but

also what humanity would be called if we were to use the names for each angel.

As all humans came from Lilith, so they are designated as the 18th angel.

Humanity is also considered as one singular angel, instead of seperate entities like Adam's offspring.

(Fun fact! Asuka, Misato, and Rei appear in a crowd of lilin in EoE! And instead of people cosplaying, they used mannequins.)

The Magi System

The Magi System is a trio of supercomputers that usually seen used by NERV to help battle the angels.

Unlike most computers,all 3 parts of the Magi have personalities built into each supercomputer that come up with different

solutions when faced with a problem.Most of the time, a human will choose from each computer's conclusions to see which one fits best.

However, in cases like self-destruction, a consensus between the 3 supercomputers must be met.

These 3 personalities are also based off of Ritsuko's mother. as the supercomputers respectively have her personality as a woman, a scientist, and a mother.


SEELE is a strange organization that has influence over other governments and organizations in the world.

Their main goal is to accomplish Human Instrumentality, where all humans are combined into one and all human struggles and war is ended.This was supposed to happen by using Kaworu as the 17th angel,though failing after his death.

SEELE has also used the mass produced Evangelions and has some control over NERV.


NERV is an organization that has the main goal of killing all possible angels after the Second Impact, and is also responsible for the creation of the Evangelions.

The United Nations are also supposedly controlling NERV, but this is proven false as SEELE is actually the one controlling the United Nations, and therefore, NERV too.

NERV is also the predecessor of another organization named Gehirn, and most staff and projects in NERV actually come from Gehirn (e.g. Ritsuko and the Magi supercomputers).

The Second Impact

One of the 3 major events that shifted the earth's axis and melted the Antartic ice caps.

This happened because of a contact experiement that re-awakened Adam.

The scientists conducting the experiment were able to subdue Adam, but other factors such as tsunamis,

rising sea level and armed conflicts wiped out half of the human population.

The remains of the human population were never told about what actually happened, and were instead

told that the Second Impact was caused by a metiorite that was too small and too fast to be detected.

(Kaworu is also of a result of Adam being reawakened.)

Human instrumentality

The Human Instrumentality Project is the name of SEELE's goal to force humans to evolve through the Third Impact.

The way that SEELE planned to initiate Instrumentality was to gather all human souls into the egg of lilith (black moon) once the Third Impact has happened.

This would create a scenario where all people wouldn't exist as seperate beings, but now as a whole.

The weaknesses and strengths of each person would also combine and compliment eachother, essentially erasing insecurities.

The Human Instrumentality process is almost finalised before Shinji rejects it, causing the entire process to reverse and for humanity

to return back to 'normal' (it's implied that each person has a choice to remain as a whole or if they want to become an individual person again).

(Fun fact! the reason why Shinji chokes Asuka in EoE is to check if she's real, and not a Lilith clone.

Third Impact

The third Impact was kickstarted once Lilith and Adam's bodies and souls were combined, causing a massive A.T. Feild to form,

reverting all life on earth to one being (reverting back to all being one thing created by Lilith).